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cat culture

Taking the cat to the vet – Vet Visit 

  • 11 min read

Taking a fearful and possibly sick cat to the pet doctor often results in stress for humans and animals. For your cat, a visit to the pet doctor means that he has to leave his usual surroundings. This fact alone causes stress in cats, as our cats are sensitive creatures of habit and they are reluctant to leave… 

Guide to Find a Lost Cat – Microchipped Cat

  • 19 min read

Chipping a cat Learn how to locate a microchipped cat. From scanning procedures to contacting relevant authorities, ensure a swift reunion with your beloved feline companion. No matter whether you have an indoor or outdoor cat, you should definitely have your cat chipped. While simple tags with the name and address of the pet’s parents were previously attached… 

Can I Give My Cat Bottled Water?

  • 12 min read

Can cats drink sparkling water? Is carbon dioxide harmful? A regular water source is just as important for house cats as it is for us humans. Some cats don’t just limit themselves to tap water, but also like to drink sparkling water – if you let them. But are cats even allowed to drink sparkling bottled water? Or… 

Your Cat Doesn’t Drink Water – What Are The Reasons Behind It?

  • 16 min read

The average cat doesn’t drink water much in the wild because its fluid needs come primarily from food. Most house cats continue to show natural behavior, even though they are used to living in a comfortable home where they are fully cared for. Therefore, it can easily happen that your cat doesn’t drink or doesn’t consume enough… 

Outdoor Cats: What you should Know to Keep Outdoor Cat Safe?

  • 20 min read

Outdoor cats: This is what you should know Cats that can move freely outside and do whatever they want lead full lives. You arrive home balanced and satisfied. There they enjoy the comfort of their “own four walls”, the peace and security in a cozy bed and the cuddles of their two-legged friend. Fully fed, they will soon…