Righting Reflex

The “righting reflex” in cats is a fascinating and vital instinctual behavior that allows them to quickly reorient themselves when they fall or are in an unusual position.

This remarkable reflex begins to develop in kittens at about three weeks of age, and they usually master it by seven weeks. The righting reflex is an essential survival skill for cats that spend time in high places or may encounter situations where they could fall.

However, it’s crucial to note that while cats have this instinctual ability, it doesn’t make them immune to injury from high falls. Cats can still suffer injuries, particularly if they fall from great heights, due to their relatively low terminal velocity and the potential for high-impact landings.

Understanding the righting reflex showcases the remarkable agility and adaptability of cats, but it’s essential to prioritize their safety, especially in environments with potential hazards.