

Recessive Gene

A "recessive gene" is a term used in genetics to describe a specific type of gene that is expressed only when an individual has two copies of that gene, one from each parent, and when there is no dominant allele…

Registered Cat

A "registered cat" is a cat that has been officially recorded in a recognized cat breed registry or association. These registries maintain detailed records of purebred cats, including their lineage, pedigree, and breed-specific characteristics. It's important to note that not…

Retractable Claws

Retractable claws refer to the ability of certain animals, particularly cats, to withdraw or extend their claws as needed. Cats are equipped with retractable claws as an evolutionary adaptation that provides several advantages for their survival and daily activities. The…

Righting Reflex

The "righting reflex" in cats is a fascinating and vital instinctual behavior that allows them to quickly reorient themselves when they fall or are in an unusual position. This remarkable reflex begins to develop in kittens at about three weeks…

Righting Reflex

The righting reflex is a natural and instinctive behavior observed in many animals, including cats. It refers to the ability of an animal to reorient its body to an upright position when it is placed in an unusual or inverted…